hwo to win at bessedd dressed

r u reely p0or andd knead some qucick c4sh? bessedd dressesd is ur bessedd opttioan. hwever, 2 gett the m$neey, u ned to hvee the snazziest outtafit!

frstty u shald u$e n3w anim4ls 4 xample, the llaana:

once u hve ur anim4l decired, go 2 bessedd dressed and ddoo the eaxct oppositte off wht they tell u 2.

bcuz im pro, l0k at my costtume forr a "phanntom" ;)

4 a higgher chnce of wining, use a banch of speiks! nbody cres abot thee themee wen u hve speiks! ;-)

wheen it coomes to votting timee, usee lots of em0tes to st4nd up and st4nd out!!11! :-))))

and n0w for thr big revel! the winneres and abosutle lossers! 

idek why those guys got more gems then me?! it must be a glitch, sorry loasers :)

my ace[tance speech: i jsut wnted to thanaks my mom, whoo makess me fo0d! nd my dad;where are you man? lso my cts i keep hosatage, espicaaly u billy ;) lst but no laetst, my tumblew33ds, with0ut u, i wnadlt be hre 2day!
ms paint draeing of the day!:



  1. 0mG r u da rainbowcat like 0mG if u r i deman ur autograf after al my dads cousins uncles daughters rainbows unicorns tick werks fer aj and sned meh ur rars!

  2. i wshi i cloud ad u on ajjam : (


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