drk secrts withhin aj loding scrrens.

 2day we wil be loking into the deeep drk secrts withhin the aj loding screens. letts go

awh. a lil' cheetah sleping in a tree! so kawaiii!!!!!!! 

you may think so, butt thinkk abut tsis. wat if the "pank trees" r actuaaly gasss suroudding the anamls! 
pooor justing ws olaredy inffected with the hrash gas. 

sam wit dese owlls!

joesy rasked his lif tring to sve the yong owll kin

ill do on more. 

timothy rely neds to gt awy from the ceepy rccon. 

tats al for rn guise se u l8ter 

random ms paintting of the day:

i trid drwing aa egle. i tink it wrked relyl wel

hw to get bois on aj

hav u ben hving troble getin a boi on aj? wel froom my 10 yer old eaxpert expienrce, i willl shw u how 2 geet a boii.

frst, trget ur boii. teh raare sppeices can ussaly be fouund in jamaaaa towwanship.

oncee u hav spoted ur boi, make sur to geet his surename! boi's dens r usually lokced, so u wil hav to jamagraam them nic things untill they opeen theirr den :))))))))))

noww tht u got them, mke sur to lok niceeeee! her r som of my tiisp:
mke ur salf all pinkie
noww chnge ur eyes to a lightt blu colar:

jusst mke ur seelf reeeeeeeeeealy kawaii so ull pop out!

nw theat we hve that coveard, letss go to ahs den!

make sur to scre him or he will not oobey u

then jusst ask, "will u be mine?"

nd if he sayss no then tehtraten him, or u can bribe him. 

thts al for today guise! god lok on getting a boi on aj!

how to b faishonable on aj

hey guyss! 2day im goning to show u how to b faishonable on aj.

fistsr off, u ned to buy a articwolfe
the pont of doing ths, is to b reeeeeeeeeeeeeeealy un-original. if u dontt fit in, u wont be faishonable. and becuz eeeeeeeeeeeeevry1 has an articwolfe, u wil fit in. that mad sense, k?

thenn, stel some speiks. idc how u get a speik, just get 1. here is jut 1 way of gettin a speik:

 fyi, dont acutal do ^

i did thsu 1 tim, AND I GOTS A REL SPEIK !!!!!!!! ists not a spamm, promisee.u can trusts every1 onthe interrnet!!!!!111 one u got a speik, put it on ur wolfe.

so now go to jmf, nd buy 1000 gazzelesss h0rns. nd throw dem on ur artic wolfe:
now, scam elf cuffs and w0rns fom 10 yer olds. dey r the easiest taarget.

now go to de servver aldaan, n sit on the briddge. u can now cuz ur faishonable.

 now u lok like evry1 else in the gameee! nd u will be popular

now u r faishonabble. stay tuuned for next week. i am gona teach u hoow to get loadds of good rarrrrrres.

the drwing of the day!
its mee in aldann being faishonableeeeeeeeeeeeee!

fan art!!11!!1

hey guyss, 2dy i have som mazing fanart!!!

first jamar i dreww was my abssoluteee fav, she's my idol

that's rit, snowyclxw

as u can se, i spent A LOTTTTTTTTTT of tim on this. so hope u enjoiy. i mad a speed drwing of this, so here'ss the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

ok nxt jamar is meloeeettta38558. she is amaze btw. wen loking at her player card, i saw an amazin animall. 

so i drew it

as u cn see.. i spnt brley any tim on this. srry melo...

my laast drwing is for julolian2

hop u enjoy juli!!!!!!!!!!!!!

n thats all for tody. the drwing of the dy is...

it's me volutnering for tributte