hwo to win at bessedd dressed

r u reely p0or andd knead some qucick c4sh? bessedd dressesd is ur bessedd opttioan. hwever, 2 gett the m$neey, u ned to hvee the snazziest outtafit!

frstty u shald u$e n3w anim4ls 4 xample, the llaana:

once u hve ur anim4l decired, go 2 bessedd dressed and ddoo the eaxct oppositte off wht they tell u 2.

bcuz im pro, l0k at my costtume forr a "phanntom" ;)

4 a higgher chnce of wining, use a banch of speiks! nbody cres abot thee themee wen u hve speiks! ;-)

wheen it coomes to votting timee, usee lots of em0tes to st4nd up and st4nd out!!11! :-))))

and n0w for thr big revel! the winneres and abosutle lossers! 

idek why those guys got more gems then me?! it must be a glitch, sorry loasers :)

my ace[tance speech: i jsut wnted to thanaks my mom, whoo makess me fo0d! nd my dad;where are you man? lso my cts i keep hosatage, espicaaly u billy ;) lst but no laetst, my tumblew33ds, with0ut u, i wnadlt be hre 2day!
ms paint draeing of the day!:


naimlas jam bl0g!

haj guisse! do u hvee URR own aanimalas jam blog? do u ned halp runaing it? (of carse you do!!!1!!) wal todeaay im ggoing to shwo u 5 tipss on howw to hve a sucessfulol aj blaogh! leets geat startted!

1.have a generic blog name
makee a blog namee that starts with "Animal Jam (whatever you want here)"

2. sppam oather bl0gs!
tthis willl get urr bl0gg more popular annd notiicied!

3. m4ke item poosts that r the same eavery dayy!

4. sinece you arre pauting so much affort into ur blog, u shaould get monnaey by puating adds everywhere~ ! $$$$$$$ 

5. lst but nott least! u ned to hve ur blog be decoratedd! mke sure to usee neon cololors that ggive people sezuries from all the spicyness!

comet if thiss helpedd! you! and if youu havee any otherr tips!

if u wannt to cheeck out thhe bllog i feuterd todaay:http://animaljambuttdust.blogspot.com/

ok bye

hwwo to geet weeomen on ajj!

heii guise! carsphy caogri heree111! hve u evarr wnted a grilfrnd on amaljam? wel lok nu forther, casse thts wht tdays posst iss abut!

frsts off, u ned to b a wolf ro arrctic wollf. u r the aalfa malle of the faaamolyy!!!111;;)))

wen u hve ur ugly wolf, u ned to decarte ur selff!
u dnot wmt to wer narmal wolffs colorss, thosse r uglly! u ned to p0pp out of the crrowd! like a piakchu peacock!

i maslef as a prro, lik to use theeis colar schemee!

barrf gren alwaays getts em'! ance u hve ur c000l coalfrshemce, u ned to hve a handsome aaoutfit!
i recomnded,
  1.  roope sandalls, 
  2. pineaapple hat
  3. tie
grate! nwo tht u hve ur l0ok dowwn, leets geet someee weeeeeeeeomennn!

as u caan se, i wass afirly poopular amongest da lassdides!

dis oneee girl; liekd me a loot but i haadd to saaay nowww becaussse i aam tooo famous

wen derre at urr denn, makee sure ttoo sayy nic thingss!

thhtss alll forrr todday gusz! mke surreee yto syy if thisss was succssefffullly for u!

ms painnt drawing of the day:


!!!!!!!!!!!THIS Was sisent in affterr crissphy corrgis newwest posst was releasdssde!