hw to get bois on aj

hav u ben hving troble getin a boi on aj? wel froom my 10 yer old eaxpert expienrce, i willl shw u how 2 geet a boii.

frst, trget ur boii. teh raare sppeices can ussaly be fouund in jamaaaa towwanship.

oncee u hav spoted ur boi, make sur to geet his surename! boi's dens r usually lokced, so u wil hav to jamagraam them nic things untill they opeen theirr den :))))))))))

noww tht u got them, mke sur to lok niceeeee! her r som of my tiisp:
mke ur salf all pinkie
noww chnge ur eyes to a lightt blu colar:

jusst mke ur seelf reeeeeeeeeealy kawaii so ull pop out!

nw theat we hve that coveard, letss go to ahs den!

make sur to scre him or he will not oobey u

then jusst ask, "will u be mine?"

nd if he sayss no then tehtraten him, or u can bribe him. 

thts al for today guise! god lok on getting a boi on aj!


  1. Osum the sekrit to gt bois is fnally rvealed

  2. im a aj boi i cunferm this dus werk

  3. what is tehtraten supposed to be? I can code all other language and make sense of it but tehtraten? no...

  4. If u wana no hw to gt bois red thais blohag!


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