random newss #1

alirhgt listen up

i dont get y bloger has no comic sanss font! like y is the world like ths? if i want aa font i m goinq to qet it.

lol trololol only n00bz use comic sanss

like me

so i was playing aj n crap, and look

lok at thet volume of dat hair

u go gurl!!!!!!!!

anywayz aj haz lots of gliches latelyy and i fond this one

omg look! do u see wats on the bunny?

woahh wats that on its face???

is that a sloth?

woahh enough iterntet for today lol

ms paint drawing of the dayyy:

its me typing up tod4ys post 

oky thats all baiiiiii!

just kidding bout the internet thing


my replies will consist of carbs